Everything is new again

Everything is new again

Everything is new again. New name, TYPE 40, new workshop, new house and new Captain America cosplay costume by Clockwork Butterfly.

I have retired the TARDIS and am no longer “The TARDIS Guy” , although I can’t see people stopping calling me that anytime soon and I’m ok with that. It’s how I started and I regret nothing , 🙂

What happens next though is a bit of a mystery, or is it? No, actually, it isn’t. You don’t just stop being The TARDIS Guy without a plan. What’s the plan? Well, let me tell you.

The name may have changed but I didn’t. I’m still making all the things and showing them off at conventions all over the country, but now I’m making more things, different things, like the Wonder Woman shield

“Oh sure, new, but that’s just another shield”

Yup, fair enough, I will take that one on the chin. OK , actual new stuff. Spider-Man shield 🙂 , what, no? Ugh, OK

Well, if you saw the huge TYPE 40 stand at AMC Expo recently, you may have noticed that we are now the a exclusive supplier of Everblock in Victoria. You know, the giant Lego bricks you have seen all over the Internet. They are insanely fun, stupidly versatile and we have them and will be taking pre orders for Christmas. Watch this space.

That’s not all, I am doing some heavy research into a new manufacturing process that should allow me to do some seriously cool and large pieces. Think custom made armour and really fancy helmets. That’s mega exciting and if it all works out , next you you will see some pretty cool stuff on the workbench.

Then there is hydrofilm printing, you know, that thing where you can print on 3D surfaces. Any 3D surface. When we get good at this it’s going to be fun seeing what Laura and I can come up with. It’s fun working with such an amazing artist as her.

We have our sights set on 2016 and plan on not only continuing to produce some great new shields but to develop new things to show off at the conventions.

See see you in the future!

Not The TARDIS Guyimage

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