Ground Zero – New website

Ground Zero – New website

So, here we are, a new website and lots of excitement. I hope20131020_205846-1 you will be kind as we launch this new thing. There are probably some things we can do better and possibly add and we would love to hear about that.

What we hope this website will do is allow you to keep up to date with what is happening in the TARDIS workshop, stay in touch and even perhaps contribute to what we do. How?  Well we will have regular articles about what we are doing, making and thinking and we would love suggestions for future articles and even submissions. There will be news about where we will be, conventions and other things like the TARDIS Guy Pin Up calender and of course a shop where , if you so choose, you can order hand made items from us.

I hope this is going to add some value to what we do and that you will not only enjoy what we put out there , but maybe even feel like participating too.

Meanwhile, enjoy and we hope to see you soon.

Allan  ,(The TARDIS Guy)

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